At special Ash Wednesday services clergy members dip their thumbs in ashes and paint a cross on the forehead of each worshiper. This adjustment meant that instead of beginning on Quadragesima Sunday, Lent began on the previous Wednesday, a day which came to be known as Ash Wednesday.Īsh Wednesday takes its name from a religious custom unique to the day. Subtracting the six Sundays that occur during Lent from the total number of forty-six days left the season with exactly forty days. During the seventh or eighth century Christian authorities in western Europe gradually began to add four more days to Lent, making the total number of days forty-six. Some Christian thinkers argued, however, that Sundays could not be included in the Lenten fast, since all Sundays celebrate the resurrection of Christ and therefore should not be observed as days of penance ( for more on penance, see also Repentance). Jesus himself fasted in the desert for forty days before beginning his ministry (Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13). The length of this season, approximately forty days, was modeled on the forty days of hardship endured by a number of important biblical figures before experiencing God's deliverance ( see also Salvation). Begun on this date, Lent lasted forty-two days. Until the seventh or eighth century western European Christians began Lent on Quadragesima Sunday, the sixth Sunday before Easter.
The first full day of Lent falls on the following day, Clean Monday. Orthodox Christians begin Lent on the evening of the seventh Sunday before Easter, which they call Forgiveness Sunday.
Western Christians, that is, Roman Catholics and Protestants, follow a different church calendar than that adhered to by Orthodox and other Eastern Christians ( see also Easter, Date of). It falls on the Wednesday following the seventh Sunday before Easter - sometime between February 4 and March 10. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for Western Christians.